
KARUNA dental MVZ Aurich
Erdbeerweg 52, 26605 Aurich, Germany

Phone: 04941/ 9742030
fax: 04941/ 9742031


KARUNA dental MVZ Weener
Brombeerenweg 3, 26826 Weener, Germany

Phone: 04953/ 9211690
fax: 04953/ 9211691

Opening hours

Monday 08.00 am - 12.00 pm
2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 08.00 am - 12.00 pm
2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 08.00 am - 12.00 pm
2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Thursday 08.00 am - 12.00 pm
2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Friday 08.00 am - 12.00 pm

Appointments beyond that by appointment.


Aurich, Germany

Weener (Near Sanddornweg 2) Blackberry Trail 3


Towards the palate

Papilla Bleeding Index

Examination to measure the depth of the gingival pockets and to feel the circumference of the invisible concrements. With a dull special probe, the end of which runs out in a sphere, the gingivitis is detected: the deeper the pocket, the further the disease has progressed.


Malfunctions in the orofacial system such as bruxism (teeth clenching, teeth grinding), tongue pressing, lip biting, lip licking, pencil chewing, thumb sucking, nail biting, etc.

Periodontal Screening Index (PSI)

Examination method how far the bone has regressed on the tooth. Since the beginning of 2004, the preventive measure can also be billed by the statutory health insurance funds once every 2 years. Depending on the findings, the dentist then decides whether periodontal treatment is necessary.



Periodontosis, periodontitis, periodontosis.

What keeps the natural tooth in place in the jaw are: the jawbone, the periodontium fibers between it and the tooth root and the gums, the gingiva. It is precisely with this holding apparatus that the study of the dental environment, periodontology, deals with. Periodontosis, according to the widespread but not quite correct self-diagnosis of many "gum hemophiliacs", is next to caries the most common dental disease. However, it is not a disease of the tooth itself, but starts as inflammation on the gums and is then correctly called: gingivitis; If the inflammatory process spreads to the tooth bed, it is periodontitis and if the gums recede without recognizable signs of inflammation, the so-called periodontosis. In many cases, periodontal diseases are the cause of tooth loss, especially in adults from the age of 35.


Vicinity of the root tip


Peri-implant infections affect the tissue surrounding the implant. A distinction is made between "peri-implant mucositis" and "peri-implantitis". The former refers to a completely curable inflammation of the soft tissue. With progressive inflammation and pronounced submarginal plaque accumulation, peri-implantitis (incurable) also leads to progressive bone loss around the implant. However, the development of peri-implantitis does not mean that the infection inevitably leads to implant failure or develops into implant loss.


Growth grooves in tooth enamel




Firmly adhering dental plaque, caused by bacteria in the mouth


In the vernacular, the filling in the tooth is common.


The front two molars, ending numbers 4 and 5


Grinding a tooth

Professional dental care

is that which goes beyond home dental care. This is carried out at the dentist by specially trained personnel and is also called individual or caries prophylaxis or professional tooth cleaning (PZR).


Going into depth


Protrusion of the upper front teeth


Actually the dentures, in dental language this refers to the removable dentures made of plastic and metal-based, which are available as partial or full dentures.


The Greek "profylassein - beware, exercise caution" includes the whole catalogue of preventive measures to avoid dangers, damage and calamities, but also diseases. What this means in dentistry, you can read under "further information" below.


Dental prosthetics is the replacement of lost natural teeth or missing jawbone substance with artificial alternatives.


Tilting of the front teeth towards the lip


Interim dentures so that the teeth do not migrate into the gap


The pulp, the soft in the teeth, nerves, etc.


Inflammation of the pulp